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About PACE - Dance, Fitness, Carnival!


Your Carnival Starts Here!


Jump into PACE, a game-changing dance fitness party inspired by Caribbean Carnival and driven by Soca's beats. Picture Zumba's energy, Caribbean dance flair, and a dash of happy hour fun, all wrapped in Notting Hill Carnival's vibrant spirit. PACE isn't just an event; it's a fitness revolution with a carnival heart.


Revolutionising Soca Dance Fitness:

At PACE, we're reimagining the concept of dance & fitness. It's a total body workout all packed into a setting that’s as vibrant as your favourite Caribbean getaway. Our mission? To infuse the lively vibe of the Notting Hill Carnival with fitness and well-being, creating an annual event that serves as both a phenomenal warm-up and a highlight of your carnival experience.


Prepare to be led by expert instructors, each bringing their unique style and energy. From heart-pumping HIIT warm-ups to dynamic dance sequences, our choreography is designed to get everyone – from seasoned dancers to enthusiastic beginners!


Dance to the Beat of Fitness:

Experience an energy-packed event led by top instructors. Whether you're a dance pro or a newcomer, PACE's mix of HIIT warm-ups and dynamic choreography gets everyone moving and grooving.


A Party Atmosphere:

PACE turns fitness into a celebration. It’s a space where dance and movement free your spirit, setting you up for an unforgettable Notting Hill Carnival weekend.


Caribbean Beats, London Streets:

At PACE, immerse in a fusion of high-energy Zumba and Caribbean choreography, offering an artistic workout experience that’s beyond ordinary.


Behind PACE:

Powered by Live Love Soca and Zaiah Arts, PACE stands at the forefront of Caribbean dance fitness, blending global influence with Soca spirit.


Join the PACE Movement:

More than a workout, PACE is a celebration of culture and fitness. Dance for fun, freedom, and fitness, gearing up for the thrilling Notting Hill Carnival.


Embrace the PACE:

Ready for an electrifying experience? Grab your PACE tickets now and dive into this unique blend of dance, fitness, and Caribbean culture.


                   Simply Electrifying

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